Lysaker Ledges
The best curbs in Oslo. Theres many spots around. If its raining, it is possible to skate the curbs in the semi indoor parking spaces, as well as wallrides and rails. However, the main spot is the outdoor curbs. It is smooth and excellent. Skateboarders are rare on this spot. Winter skating is possible on the outdoor curbs due to the warming cables.
Cross the road in front of Lysaker train station, go up the stairs, and you are there.
Skatespots in Oslo
Aker brygge bumps and ledges
Blindern Low Kinked Curb
California ledge
Colosseum Park
Curbs, Rails.
Gamlabyen skatebowl
Høyenhall skole
Jernbanetorget rails
Karl Johan rail
KPMG building
Lindeberg T-bane station
Long round curbs
Lysaker Ledges
Marienlyst Ramps
Oksenøya Rails
Oslo S rails
Sandaker Skole
Østerås Kjøpesenter Rails
Østerås Z-Rail
Stortinget Indoor Rails
Teisenkrysset Rails
Theater gata rails
Tinghuset ledges
Treskeveien trapper og handrail
Voldsløkka rail