The bank spot
This is a good skate spot and there are a couple close by. This is a great spot to skate but only after 6 on week days and after 2 on saturday. it is a good spot all the time with ledges for grinding and ledges to jump off of, there are curved ledges to. It is evan better in the late fall, or early spring because there is a fountain that they drain out. it is good to drop in and grind. It is awsome. If any one wants a lot of spots in and around Toledo Ohio, or any where else copy my AIM screen name into your buddy list and one day when im on ask me….my sn RISEtoROME…and…NevadaSnowman.
Um well im only 15 so i skate every were. Well it is on central road, that dosent help because central is long. the bank is almost across the street from westgate shoping center. The bank is tall and shiny, and sparkley. If any one wants a lot of spots in and around Toledo Ohio, or any where else copy my AIM screen name into your buddy list and one day when im on ask me….my sn RISEtoROME…and…NevadaSnowman.